2024 Jesse H. Jones Awards

Vibrant Cultures – Diverse Perspectives – Meaningful Experiences

 the world affairs council of greater houston


Gathering global leaders in education, business, finance, world affairs, and more, the Jones Awards Luncheon recognizes a distinguished group of individuals for their international impact, exceptional leadership, and outstanding contributions to Houston’s international spirit.


11:30 AM – 2:00 PM



Saba Abashawl
Hady Abdulhady
David Adams
Mark Anderson
Aida Araissi
Kit Ashby
Sandija Bayot
Mamadou Beye
Anne Boss
Michael Carrasco
Vivek Chidambaram
Alan Crain
Heather Cykoski
Suzan Deison
Ana Denena
Antony DSouza
Phil DeLozier
William Foreman
Charles Foster
Jorge Franz
Lyle Ganske
Diane Gendel
Soha Haque
Zachary Hodges

J.J. Hollie
Agustin Izquierdo
Arthur Kaplun
Kat Khosrowyar
Christine LaFollette
Laura Logan
Beth Madison
Elizabeth Matthews
Sid McClendon
David Michels
Jeff Miers
Paula Ann Miller
Cristal Montanez Baylor
Pat Moran
Sallie Morian
Cameron Nazminia
Alissa Nixon
Maureen O’Driscoll-Levy
Bret Oliver
Christopher Olson
Susan Osterberg
Chukwuemeka Oyolu
Kevin Pasha
Daron Peschel

Mariela Poleo
T.J. Raguso
Ken Rice
Brad Ringleb
Eddie Robinson
Martha Rocks
Eric Schumach
Lisa Shumate
Andrew Slentz
Jennifer Smith
Peggy Smith
Soma Somasundaram
Terry Stringer
Nick Tran
Jorge Toledo
Ken Tubman
Jesse Tutor
Michaela van Schalkwyk
Walter Ulrich
Rupesh Vadapalli
Jose Valera
Hector Villarreal
Stuart Vogt
Joe Watkins



Who is the most inspiring Houstonian you know?
Nominate your 2024 Global Leader of Influence to be recognized at the Annual Jesse H. Jones Awards Luncheon where they will be recognized for their exceptional leadership and outstanding contributions to Houston’s international spirit.

Participating Levels

Titanium Sponsor

$100,000  (Exclusive)

Privilege to participate in the discussion with keynote guest

Opportunity for stage participation during the celebration

Two (2) seats at the Head Table

One (1) prominent table of eight

Eight (8) VIP Reception Invitations

Complimentary Concierge Valet Service for eight (8)

Recognition for sponsoring one (1) Student Table

Recognition as Titanium Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event.

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

Diamond Sponsor

$50,000  (Limited availability)

Opportunity for stage participation during the celebration

Two (2) seats at the Head Table

One (1) prominent table of eight

Eight (8) VIP Reception Invitations

Complimentary Concierge Valet Service for eight (8)

Recognition for sponsoring one (1) Student Table

Recognition as Diamond Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

Platinum Sponsor

$35,000  (Limited availability)

One (1) seat at the Head Table

One (1) prominent table of eight

Eight (8) VIP Reception Invitations

Recognition for sponsoring one (1) Student Table

Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

Gold Sponsor

$20,000  (Limited availability)

One (1) premier table of eight

Three (3) VIP Reception Invitations

Recognition as Gold Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

Silver Sponsor

$10,000  (Limited availability)

One (1) premier table of eight

Two (2) VIP Reception Invitations

Recognition as Silver Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

Bronze Sponsor

$7,500 (Limited availability) – SOLD OUT

One (1) reserved table of eight

One (1) VIP Experience Invitation

Recognition as Bronze Sponsor in all marketing collateral pre and post the event

Sponsorship recognition during the luncheon

Recognition in Luncheon program distributed at the event

More Opportunities

Other opportunities to be a part of the celebration (Exclusive availability):

Student Leaders Dialogue Sponsor $10,000

Global Leader Presenting Sponsor $7,500

Reach out to know more!

Secure your sponsorship today! 

As a supporter of the World Affairs Council of Greater Houston’s Annual Jesse H. Jones Awards Program, your organization will be recognized at the forefront of leading Houston’s international community. If you wish to be a part of the celebration, contact us at 713-522-7811 or email us at [email protected]






The World Affairs Council of Greater Houston reserves the right to deny access to anyone.

This is a registration only event. Registration prior to the event is required to attend. 

Your registration to this event grants your permission to be in photos or videos, which may be used for educational, archival or promotional purposes.